Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Dakota's new Swing set

Dakota has her first swing set. Even thou she can't do everything yet, she loves it. We cant wait for Dakota's cousins to come back for a visit so they can swing with her. ANNA, NAOMI, LUKE, MISTY & MIKE, WE MISS YOU SO MUCH!!!! I wish I could figure out how to put a video on this blog. I have tried several times and it has not worked yet. If anyone knows how PLEASE let me know.
Look at my first blooms on my first rose bush, so pretty.

Love Ya



Anonymous said...

That is a pretty cool swingset Dakota!!! I am sure that someone had fun putting it together. It's okay of she can't do everything yet. Lila also has a swingset that her Gammy and Pops Hunsucker gave her for Christmas that she has to grown into also. Lila and Dakota have the same blue swing!! Hope to see you soon!


Mike and Misty said...

wow Dakota I like your swing set:) You sure do have lots to pick and choose from and plenty of room for the cousins when they come visit:) WE were going to buy that same swing set but our one and only toys r us in SD did not carry it, go figure:) There is a family in our church that is getting like a thousand dollar or so swing set and are going to give us their metal one which is nice, they have only had it a couple years. We are excited about that:) love you